Complete wedding photography checklist for digital photographers
Been asked to photograph someone's wedding? Congratulations! Do you have
your wedding photography checklist ready?
You'll naturally want to do a good job, but you may be unsure on what
you need to take and who you're going to photograph. No problem!
why these pages were written!
Here you will find a useful checklist covering who to photograph. But
wedding photography checklist goes further!
You will find checklists covering the other essentials a digital
wedding photographer needs too.
After all, not much point arriving with
your list of subjects if you've forgotten to pack the memory cards!
This wedding photography checklist is broken down into four sections:
For further help and advice about posing the bride and groom, and in fact any other aspect of wedding photography, read on and I'll show you where to get the best, instantly downloadable, package. It covers all the wedding photography essentials (poses checklist, business agreements, wedding photographers secrets and more...).
If it's just a simple wedding photography checklist you're after here's a
printable checklist that covers everything you will need - including a list of subjects - for digital wedding
It's those extra little personal touches
Prior to the event:
Arrange to meet the couple
at least a week before
the wedding. You need to go through your wedding photography checklist
with them to get a good idea of what they expect of you on the day.
Things to go through are:
The style of photography
Black and white? Formal? Reportage (sometimes called photojournalistic
wedding photography).
Meet the guests!

If possible, meet the really important family members beforehand.
Or maybe see
some photos of them so that you recognize them on the day.
If you can wander up to the father of the bride with a confident "Hi,
Bill isn't it? You must be very proud. I'm your daughter's
Bill will be chuffed to bits that you did a little
research prior to his daughter's big day.
What will you wear?
This is an important part of your wedding photography checklist. And it
has nothing to do with actually taking photographs!
If your bride and groom are going for a really casual look then you
might look a little out of place in a formal suit. And if they are
going for the formal look themselves, then don't overdo it! You not
there to out-shine the bride and groom. Do what is necessary in order
to fit in nicely.
NB:It is sometimes a
good if you
can stand out a little though. It marks you out as the photographer and
people will know how to react to you. Of course, being weighed down
like a pack-horse with camera equipment should mark you out to
everyone, regardless of what you wear!
It can be a little awkward to raise this, but it should be on every
wedding photography checklist.
If it's friends or family you are photographing this can be even more
tricky. You won't want to rip them off, but equally, they won't want to
rip you off either!
Perhaps you only want to cover costs? Maybe your photos will be your
gift to them? Whatever the situation it's important to come to an
agreement, no matter how large or small.
Make sure you have payment on your checklist,
because people feel more comfortable when they know where they stand.
It will also mark you out as more professional. If you want pre-written agreements that you can modify to your own needs (there's no point trying to re-invernt the wheel!) there are a selection in the
wedding photographer's e-package.
Who's wedding is it?
An important wedding
photography tip - when completing your wedding
photography checklist make sure you talk to the bride and
groom - in advance!
Always, always
remember that it's their wedding, not yours. This applies no matter how
close you are to the happy couple.
The reason it is important to talk to them in advance is twofold.
First, they may well be friends or relatives of yours, but they will
still expect a certain level of professionalism from you. Going through
your wedding photography checklist with them in advance is an important
part of that professionalism.
Second, it helps you to know exactly what is expected. This will come
across on the wedding day itself. Especially to their guests, whom you
probably don't know too well - if at all.
Finally, make sure you go through the other
aspects of the wedding photography checklist.
Good luck! If you're well prepared it should go well.
And if you are still a little unsure of yourself this complete wedding photographer's kit might just ease any sleepless nights!