THE CREATive ARTist: Are you a photographer?

by Jay Smith

Like an artist uses his brush or a musician uses their instrument, we use our cameras, and whether some agree or not . . . we are all artists. Photography is a form of art a continuously growing one at that. We all have access to cameras these days - look at just about every phone and you’ll find a camera on it. Does that mean the person knows how to use that particular camera? does it that make them an award winning photographer? does that mean they are a “photographer?”

I hear a lot of people calling themselves a photographer, so what makes a person a photographer? Is it because they have a camera and can point and shoot? Does that make a person a photographer? I will set aside my opinion and leave to those who read this to develop what they believe a photographer is.

*I lied, I do not believe that a person who simply just points and shoots to be a photographer* Being a photographer takes time. It takes practice, it takes learning, it takes creativeness, and takes more than just pointing and shooting.

Alright, one of those things I mentioned was being creative. I interrupt the world in the form of a picture. When I am out, I am constantly scanning and picking out what would make a good image or not. If I have my camera on me I will stop and take it. The bottom line is I am always seeking out an image.

The image above was taken while at an art exhibit here in Central Illinois. I noticed that right outside of the facility was a cafe and the tables and chairs were all locked together. I took out my macro lens and took the image at an angle, aiming to use that for more creativity.

Helpful tip: Learn to see shapes, designs, and colors.

This image: The story goes that I was at an exhibit, like most times, I have my camera with me, and with that said . . I wanted to take advantage of the downtown scene. It was around St. Patrick day and new that the town would me lit up. I walked out of the art gallery and notice this collection of chairs. I try to visualize whether or not an image will look good hanging on a wall. In this case, I could see this image in a cafe or hanging in a location that is like a coffee shop.

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What make a photographer a photographer?
by: Luke

I totally agree with you blog and that's what I love about photography, every one has a camera but most people don't know how to use it properly.

We can do what everyone else can do but people don't see what we see. The colour and strong shapes in an image really make the shot. This is what makes a photographer in my opinion the ability to think differently to every one else.

While an artist will use a brush to create his world we use our cameras but we both use the same creative part of our brain.



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