Rain Rain Go Away
by Crysi
(Murfreesboro, TN)
This is my daughter patiently waiting for the rain to calm so she could go back to enjoying the local state fair.
I was hoping to capture the way she was thinking so intensely but also show you what she was thinking about in a unique way.

I love portrait photography. The trick about a good portrait is not simply getting a good head and shoulders shot (unless you're applying for a passport!), but is to convey something about the subject.
A few years ago a guy came to me to get some photos together for his model portfolio, and as it happened he had brought his guitar to the shoot.
We did all the usual photos; and then I suggested picking up the guitar for a few photos. Using this prop really brought the photos to life.
In Crysi's photo she is clearly trying to capture a mood. But there is one element to the photo that I think could be improved, and that's eye contact.
In a portrait it's really important to get eye contact. They are the windows to our soul after all! They convey feeling in a way that no other part of us can.
I appreciate this could have been difficult, but I wonder if a sideways shot of her daughter would have been better.
Her daughter could still have her nose almost pressed up against the glass, but could have moved her eyes to look into the lens.
Having said this (and at the risk of contradicting myself!) there is always a place for an anonymous look to a photo. An anonymous look can convey a sense of mystery.
If I had to be pushed on this one, I would say that Crysi's photo doesn't need the mystery and a shot with eye contact would have been better. But I'm happy to hear others' opinions!
Thanks for the submission Crysi, and I hope you ended up being able to enjoy the rest of the state fair!
Ed.Discover the secrets of professional photographers with these easy to learn photography tips
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