Kodak DC260 1.3 mp

by Ken
(Clayton Ohio)

Kodak  DC260 digital camera

Kodak DC260 digital camera

I still have it and it works as good as when I bought it. It takes great photos and I've had a lot of fun with it.

It only holds 11 photos at its best quality and 30 something at its lowest setting with the factory memory card.

It takes about 15 seconds to store a photo and eats batteries for lunch. The rule is replace the memory card and the batteries at the same time.

I'm still glad I started with it though.

The Kodak DC260 was released in 1998, and the fact that Ken is still using his goes a long way towards proving “they don’t make ‘em like they used to!”

As well as taking photos in the now de facto standard of JPEG, the DC260 could also take photos in the “Flashpix” format. I suspect this is a rarely used format for two reasons:

  • First, the file sizes are absolutely huge!
  • Second, it is only supported by Kodak, Microsoft, HP and Live Picture Inc.

Still, it was (and continues to be in Ken’s case) a good digital camera.

Thanks Ken for posting!


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Aug 28, 2010
How much are they worth now?
by: Skylar

I have the exact same camera, but I would like to know how much they are worth now.

I saw on Kodak.com they were originally about 900.00, but has the value gone down? I need an answer as soon as possible.

Thank you, Skylar.

Sadly most modern cameras are worth very little second hand. Partly this is because there are cheaper higher specced cameras available and not enough time has passed for any of them to be considered "classics".

A quick browse on ebay should give you some idea. I would have thought that if you manage to get more than $50 you would be doing well.

Best of luck,


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