Glaedr At Play

by Mary Tomensky
(Menasha, WI USA)

Service Dog At Play

Service Dog At Play

Shot with my Canon 6D, really hoping to capture this service dog at play expression.

Used manual setting on the camera, a 35-128mm lens.. He is an unusual looking border collie so I was also after his beautiful colors.

Thanks for looking :-)

Ahhh, who hasn't tried photographing their pet? At the moment we're looking after a friend's hamster - "Chuckie". Lovely little thing, very fluffy!

I've even been tempted to take his photo before he has to go back at the weekend, but I haven't got around to it yet.

So how about Mary's photo?

Good in many ways, and room for improvement in others.

First there's the crop. It's usually a good thing to crop a photo - look for the bits of the photo that aren't doing very much, and crop them out.

That said, it's also possible to go too far. For some photos there needs to be a bit of space around the subject. Crop too close and the subject looks cramped into the frame.

And this is what strikes me about Glaedr here - he seems to be a bit squashed in to the photo.

There's a digital photography tutorial on how to crop here.

The other part about Mary's photo is one of my own personal bugbear's, and that's the addition of a 'signature' on a photo.

It's not as bad as adding a watermark (I've written about my thoughts on watermarking photos here), but I'm one of those people who just find signatures and watermarks distracting.

Still, there's my thoughts on Mary's photo. If you have an alternative point of view, or just want to make your own comment, please do, just use the link below.

Thanks for the submission Mary,


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by: Mary

Thanks so much for the critique! I'm working hard on getting better with animals as my usual subjects are musicians. Agreed on the crop :)
Thanks again!!

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