Here you will find the accepted contributions to the digital
photography tutorials page, from April - June 2008.
Due to technical difficulties -
i.e. me moving country! - it took longer to go through the submissions.
Consequently there's rather a long list here, spanning a few
months. Might need two coffees to get through them all!
If you have a photo that you would like "Ed." to run his critical eye
over, please contribute
What Other Visitors Have Submitted
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Wise Old bird
Taken on a recent visit to Edinburgh Zoo. The bird was being used in a
display, so was flying constantly and I only got seconds to get a shot.
I would ...
Another Lake Nippissing Sunset
As the sun was going down behind a bank of clouds it was reflecting in
the lake. I also liked the way the sun lit up the clouds above it.
(For convenience,...
Dead Tree
What do you guys think of this? I believe it's my best work yet.
If there were an art competition, I would enter this shot. What are your thoughts on ...
Spring Treasure
I came upon a patch of these Siberian squill while on a walk with my daughter.
They're very pretty, but much more so when you look at them from underneath....
Frost creek
Not rated yet
I am new to photography and would like some advice.
I was looking for a soft very relaxing picture. I shot it at 12 noon bright sunny day, the light ...
Not rated yet
I sat the camera on the bench in front of the leaf and really liked the outcome.
What do you all think?
Using my optio s7 Digital
(For convenience,...
Natural Arch Hays, MT
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I was visiting the natural arch at Hays, MT looking up and out was this
tree growing from the rock. I think it looks like an OK photo.
(For convenience,...
the long trip home..
Not rated yet
I was hoping to capture the dichotomy of motion and tranquillity of the highway at night.
(For convenience, all links below open in new windows) Lauren'...
Secret Garden
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I wanted to capture the interest of the reader absorbed in her book as well as reveal the title of the novel.
(For convenience, all links below open ...
Blazing Glory
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I love shooting at the Great Salt Lake, I am sure you have already noticed this by my submissions.
My last shoot was two weeks ago, and this is one ...
Green Leaf
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Taken in our garden using the macro setting on my Optio S7 Pentax digital camera
(For convenience, all links below open in new windows) I do like ...
more pansies
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Walking the dog about 9:15 at night I passed a planter with pansies in it not much larger than a quarter.
I set my little Fuji on macro & used the ...
Not rated yet
My mom took this picture and I am so proud of her, she wants to make a
career in photography and I just want to see what’s missing or
something she could ...
Zortman Chapel
Not rated yet
I went to Zortman, MT to take a picture of this chapel.
Every where I went either had lots of wires, or a less than exciting view.
I had taken ...
Montana Mountain
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I was driving through Montana last Aug. with my point and shoot camera in tow.
It was an over cast day and this view caught my eye. I liked the way ...
Free me
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We were asked to take a shot of this monkey looking straight towards the camera.
It was difficult to that because the monkeys would often shy away ...
Orange Reflections
Not rated yet
I like this photo, and being as that you say you are so picky...well, I find that a good thing!
I can take constructive criticism. That is why I am ...
Winter Scene
Not rated yet
This is a photo I am proud of! It has won an award in framing.
You are professionals though; just want to know what you think about it as well.
Photography ...
Glacier Lillies
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As I was driving I saw these beautiful flowers.
I shot them using the macro feature on my Kodak Z812 IS.
Then In Picasa I cropped them a little ...
Illuminated Reflections
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This is a sunset taken over the Great Salt Lake.
For some reason, it is missing the spark that capture people's eye in my opinion.
I like it, just ...
Reflection at Twin Lakes
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I had read about reflections and framing. I saw these two trees close together so I lined up the shot.
Then at the computer I darkened it a little ...
Not rated yet
I am 16 Years old and this is a picture that I took of my younger sister at sunset.
This is a great photo with instant impact. It looks like it could ...
A sure sign of spring
Not rated yet This
was taken on a fairly sunny morning in early April of this year. The
bee was still somewhat "dozy", from its long winter nap allowing me to
get in ...
Manila at Night
Not rated yet
I took this during a photo shoot session for our models (we have an agency in Manila).
After reading your piece regarding BW photography - I gave the ...
And further reading . . .
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