Dead Tree

by Rachel Farran
(Kumbia, Queensland)

Dead tree @ Winery

Dead tree @ Winery

What do you guys think of this? I believe it's my best work yet.

If there were an art competition, I would enter this shot. What are your thoughts on it?

Am I a little ahead of myself here?


This looks like a nice shot.

Good things about this photo are the colours. The sky is incredibly blue, and the vines are richly green.

The time of day has helped with this photo. It's late in the day and so there are long shadows. This adds some interest in the foreground.

It also adds to the tree – the shadows causing one side of the tree to be brightly lit, and the other to be in shadow.

But what really grabs my eye here, and not in a good way (sorry Rachel), is the frame.

The shot was good, the colours were bright, but I can't see what the white frame in the photo adds. If anything, it is a distraction.

I feel that if the photo had been left with just the black border (and maybe the white inner border) it would have been a better shot.

I'd be interested to know what others think though – maybe I'm just a bit set in my ways!

Thanks for the submission Rachel,


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Jul 09, 2008
Dead Good
by: Steph

Hi Rach
Loved the shot but the border is pants, a simple black border would have led you into the shot giving a better effect.I also think converting to B&W would work well.

Jun 11, 2008
- Thank You -
by: Rachel Farran

Yes, I added the border afterwards and its just a copy of the photo that I had on my website.

The original doesn't have any of the borders on it.

Rachel x

Jun 07, 2008
I agree with Ed.
by: João

I have to agree with Ed. The frame is quite distracting.

However, I have a suggestion. If you still have the original one (without the frame and the black and inner white border), convert it to black and white (use photoshop´s channel mixer).

The contrast on the shadows is nice, and the tree will look quite dramatic.

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