Christmas going to church

by Tanua Riley
(West Monroe, LA)

Christmas Sunday

Christmas Sunday

I took my grandson downtown Monroe, LA to do a photo shoot. It was late in the afternoon and I really wanted to do it a lot earlier in the day, but it was not possible that day.

I would love to get into photography, but just cannot afford it.

I shot this with a Sony H-7 on automatic mode and fixed the lighting and stuff on Picasa. Just wanted an opinion on what I have done so far.

The one statement in Tanua's post that really stood out to me was "I would love to get into photography, but just cannot afford it."

Photography doesn't need to be an expensive hobby. In fact, the whole philosophy of this site is built around the quality of the photographer, not the equipment.

To put it another way; if someone sat me in a racing car, it wouldn't make me Lewis Hamilton!

Practice, experience, having a keen eye and an ability to 'post process' will help anyone take better photos. And to be completely honest, I think you have done a wonderful job here!

From your post it would appear that the scene was set up a little. And you know what, there's nothing wrong with that at all. If you have a picture in mind, why not stack the odds in your favour and plan the shot a bit first?

Surely no-one believes professional photographers don't plan, do they?

Things that are good about this photo are the extreme angle used. This gives the photo greater impact. You can read a photography tutorial on shooting angles here.

Also good is the bright red of Tanua's grandson set against a colourless background. Tanua used the tools in Picasa to do this, and the result is similar to colour popping.

Colour popping is where a scene is taken in colour, converted to black and white, with the exception of certain colour areas which are masked off. You can read more about colour popping here.

All in all this is a really nice photo, there is little I would change.

Thanks Tanua for the submission, and please, please don't think you have to spend lots of money on your photographic hobby!


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Nov 07, 2010
great photo
by: Anonymous

What a beautiful photo..I love children they are such interesting object, I have hundread picture of my son :)

Jan 07, 2009
Just wondering what you mean
by: Anonymous

I appreciate the great comment, but I do wonder what you meant by the scene was set up a little here. Are you talking about with the program I used or setting up the scene.

I did nothing to set the scene. I parked in front of the church, changed his clothing in the car, got out and started snapping.

I just thought it would make some neat pics as I was driving by. It was not planned at all of where I was going...I was just searching for a neat looking building and my husband is a minister, so i thought this was perfect.

Actually, it was getting dark fast. He was in a horrible mood. We were on site for about 10 minutes because it was so cold. He would not I placed his teddy thru the door handle of the church, ran down the steps, and took the pic.

I was really not satisfied with any I took that day...but, decided to see what I could do with the. I did shoot it in color, then took the color out of everything but his jumper.

Didn't know if i made myself clear enough...please let me know what you meant.

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