Canon XapShot
by Rex Steyskal
(Warren, Mich)
1992 I purchased a Canon XapShot RC-250, a still video capture camera and I was hooked.
The Canon XapShot RC-250 was before the advent of digital photography, an analog still video cameras made by Canon was capable of storing 50 individually erasable images on 2-inch removable video disks.
Images were viewed by connecting the camera's video output to a television's video input via an AC coupling device.
The Xapshot RC-250 photos could be digitized and imported into a PC by connecting the camera's video output to a video capture device.
The XapShot must be one of the oldest digital cameras featured on these pages. To be honest I'm a little unfamiliar with them but I believe the disks they used were a bit like floppy disks - a concept Sony took further with their Mavicas.
And the design of the camera is a lot like some of the early Nikon digital cameras.
The image you see here I grabbed from - so thanks go to them for that one.
Thanks for the post Warren,