Broken Dream

by Olga Carrion-Santana
(Lone Tree, Colorado)

(c) Olga Carrion 2003

(c) Olga Carrion 2003

Patio shooting. A broken clay pot, pretending like creature, all is well.

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This strikes me as one of those occasions when photographers get twitchy shutter fingers.
 Digital Photography Secrets
I know the feeling – you want to get out and take some photos, but maybe the weather isn't co-operating, or you might just be too busy to go too far.

So what happens? You try to see something photogenic in what surrounds you.

Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'd encourage it. There is often lots around us that is worthy of a few snaps, and we simply overlook it a lot of the time.

With Olga's photo though, I'm just struggling a little to see the point. It just appears to be a broken pot.

I'm writing this early in the morning, and without the addition of a strong coffee maybe I'm being a little harsh!

I'm sure there is a winning shot here, I just don't think this is it.

Here's how I think this could be improved . . .

Firstly, I think the pot itself is the main part of this photo. The space around it just distracts from the pot itself.

How about getting down close to the pot, at ground level, and filling the frame with it. Try the macro mode on your camera too, to get the pot in sharp focus, but to blur out any background distractions.

Second, I think this photo lacks colour. This can be improved by doing two things. The first thing is to try to photograph objects like this during the golden hour. At this time of day the colour in the pot will be much richer.

The other thing to do to improve the colour would be to boost the saturation control in software. This is dead easy to do and would take seconds. I think it would result in a better photo.

I'm really sorry if I sound negative, but I hope there are some useful tips here. Thanks for the submission Olga,


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Oct 18, 2008
Broken Dream
by: Anonymous

Thanks! No offense taken. Yes it is a boring picture no colors stands up, but, maybe searching about the photographer's picture moment, or the event surrounding life's (picture like literature send a message).

It's a matter to look outside the frame. Maybe the message at all is "life - at that moment" was so boring, no color, and a dream ... broken. The invisible creature, perhaps, lonely, no hopes, just there ...

Sometimes perhaps, the picture tells more than we all could see. Maybe. It's a matter to read the picture not only for its technical stand up.

And yes I agree, could improve a LOT, before print is out. Thanks. ocasan

Oct 18, 2008
Broken pot
by: Anonymous

Sorry, don't mean to sound rude or harsh, but this photo to me seems very boring.

So it's a broken pot...maybe that sounds rude, but plainly to me this shot is just boring..sorry.

I do not want to hurt the shooters feelings, that is not my intention...but if you really look at it, think about it, this interesting at all?

You will have to agree...although I think if you shoot it maybe in black and white, add some saturation, maybe it would be a different shot have the right idea...just do something different to it!

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