Black and white digital photography - visitors submissions
Here you will find an archived selection of contributions to the black and white digital
photography page.
Grab yourself a hot beverage and start browsing through them!
If you have a black and white photo that you would like to submit please contribute
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The submissions . . .
A Cold Day
I saw these birds as I was looking out my kitchen window on a cold, overcast winter day.
Something about the composition caught my eye, and I knew ...
This pic was taken at the Bronx Zoo in NY. It was taken in color and converted to B&W in photoshop using the channel mix. Is it just me, or ...
This was a tree that we spotted from the road in Oak Creek Canyon - Sedona Arizona.
The lively trees in the background are a great contrast to the ...
Lost in the Woods
I saw this old manure spreader that caught my eye so I took a couple of pictures.
Then in Picasa2 I cropped it a little, turned it to B/W then darken ...
Pansy Face
Followed the tip steps with Adjustment Layer/channel mixer.
We absolutely love this submission. Flowers are quite a conundrum for black and white photographers ...
Irish step dancers were waiting for their turn to perform. I wanted to capture the patience they were showing as they waited.
It was originally in ...
Violinist In Training
My Daughter is learning Violin and I wanted some beautiful pictures of her and her new instrument. This photo was taken in color and converted in Photoshop ...
Last summer I visited the South Downs (in southern England). We were going round an ornamental garden and I was taking all the usual photos of the flowers,...
Its some cool mushrooms.
This is an interesting photo black and blue rather than black ...
Another shot from Crete Using the Pentax optio s7
The human form has always been appealing subject matter for photographers. Done correctly it can ...
Praying Mantis
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I was at an Elderhostel for for Photography in Jekyl Isalnd. GA.
We got up at 5:30 am the second day to go to Driftwood Beach. I took a color images ...
Pinnacle of the Temple
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My wife and I were touring historic churches of north Alabama recently. This 1899 synagogue belongs to Temple B'Nai Shalom in Huntsville, AL. I loved ...
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I found this grasshopper a little lethargic; due to a little cold snap. I think this is why he was so cooperative.
I converted to black and white, in ...
web sparkles
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I love going out into the garden after the rain. There are so many reflections and sparkles.
I had been watching the spiders building their webs ...
Cat in the Window
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The cat was sitting in the window. I saw it from a distance on the road and what attracted it to me is the red and white polka dot pattern of the curtains....
Old Bike
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When I saw this shot it made me a little nostalgic, and a little sad, at the things we have that make us so happy when we're young, and get tossed aside ...
Silver Birch Wood
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Taken with my optio s7 digital camera I cropped the image to make it more dramatic.
(Moved here from the digital photography tutor submission page ...
Oil Well pumping Unit
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Oil well pumping unit horse head and bridle outside Bakersfield, California.
Originally in color and converted to black and white within Photoshop CS3....
"Out of breath"
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My Dog Bustah
I just took him for a walk and he ran until he was out of breath. So, I decided to take his picture
That looks like one tired dog!...
The Wonderful City
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Yes, that's Rio de Janeiro. ;)
I took this one with my cell phone at university. I study in Niterói, that is just in the other side of the Guanabara ...
Big Rhonda
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My Great Dane puppy checking out the scenery through our patio window .....
Taken with a Canon EOS 30D.
This is a lovely shot - this sort of wistful ...
Flower profile
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This photo was taken in color with natural lighting.
It was edited to black & white with photo software.
It's interesting how, such a colourful ...
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I took this one day out in a field by my house.
The only editing I did to it was changing the color mode to grey scale and lab color. I liked the old ...
Palm Tree
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I wanted to take a nice shot of this palm tree. I took this one, against the sun, making it a silhouette.
The original blue sky didn't look as good ...
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One among the numerous photos I took of our models.
I kind of like this shot - mainly because it was unintended - the model was not aware I was taking ...
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This is my little girl and I was just clicking away and was able to get what I think is a pretty good profile portrait.
I love it, but after looking ...
Natures music
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One of my first ones in this field. Canon EOS 30D+ Sigma 18-125 Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500) Aperture: f/7.1
We're unsure of the reason behind ...
San Telmo, Buenos Aires
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This is a shot taken at historical square "San Telmo", in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The square is filled with turn of the XXth century constructions,...
Misty Woods
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Taken at Cally Woods in Wordsley Nr Stourbridge, West Midlands; with a Canon EOS300D SLR & Sigma 70-300mm Telephoto zoom lens.
Originally in colour,...
Just waking up
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Taking some pics of my dog as she was dozing on the loveseat. She woke up long enough to get a good frontal shot.
I just used Picassa to make it black ...
Light at the end of the tunnel
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Easley Covered Bridge - Oneonta, Al
Nikon D40 2007/10/15 11:53:48.6 JPEG (8-bit) Normal Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000) Black & White Lens: 18-...
Covered Bridge Texture
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Coldwater Covered Bridge, Anniston, GA
Nikon D40 2007/10/16 12:14:21.1 JPEG (8-bit) Normal Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000) Black & White Lens: 18-...
Covered Bridge
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Photo taken just after a rainy morning at Watson Mill State Park outside of Comer ,GA Nikon D40 2007/12/23 11:37:07.3 JPEG (8-bit) Normal Image Size:...
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Taken on the beach Crete Greece June 07. The Toes are my wife's.
Steph's photo is a great example of black and white photography. It has really good ...
the evening sky
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Took this colourfully lit evening sky in black and white with my Sony DSC s90 compact digital. Exposure time 1 second.
Shots like this can look great ...