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Christmas Photo tips
December 24, 2010

Dear Stay Focussed reader!

Welcome to the newsletter and compliments of the season to you all.

For those of you keeping track of our movements we have now moved (again!) and are back in the UK - settled this time as we've taken out a mortgage and have just moved into our new home.

Despite the advances in modern technology it seems telecoms companies still take weeks to connect us to the internet. So I've nipped out to our local cafe to log onto the internet and write this newsletter.

While the turkey defrosts ready for Christmas lunch tomorrow I want to share a Christmas Photography tip with you. But before that peer into the future and think about New Year.

Some of you will remember that for the last two years I've run a 'take a photo on New Year's Day and send it in' feature.

Well, I think it would be nice to do it again - it gives us the chance to see what it's like in your part of the world on New Year's Day.

So, if you can, please take a photo on New Year's Day and submit it here.

It could be a photo of your local area, your house, your living room, your family, even your lunch!

Just tell us a little about where you are, and what the photo is of. I'll upload them onto a special New Year's page

Christmas Tip!

Rather than just take lots of random photos on Christmas Day set yourself a little project - aim to capture the whole day from start to finish by doing a little photo journal.

Take a couple of photos at the start of the say - folks in their pyjamas or cooking Christmas breakfast?

Then progress throughout the day - unwrapping presents, cooking Christams lunch, serving and then eating lunch, a Christmas Day walk, some party games, and then finish it all off with a photo of the first person to fall asleep on the sofa!

Once you have your photos you could then select the best twelve that really show the essence of the day and get them printed. Arrange these in an album and you'll have a nice momento of the day.

You could do more than twelve photos (I was thinking 'twelve days of Christmas'...twelve photos of Christmas Day...) but don't go too far. By restricting yourself to a small selection you will be more critical of your photos and will get better at selecting only the very best.

Treat yourself!

Some of you will be aware that there's a great little monthly online photography magazine that I can highly recommend.

I'm going to get in touch with the editor (we get on quite well) and see if we can sort out a deal for my newsletter subscribers in the New Year.

I'll keep you posted on developments!

Help wanted!
My aim is to share, and this newsletter with as many people around the world as possible- helping the whole world take better photos!

If you know of someone who would be interested in receiving this newsletter, please forward this email onto them, and ask them to click here, or send them this link:

Thanks for your help, and have a very merry Christmas!


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