Dear Stay Focussed reader!
Welcome to October's newsletter. Apologies for being late (again!) this month - but at least I have good news!
I've finally finished my first eBook and it's available for instant download!
I won't go into too much detail here because if you're interested you can read all about it on my sales page (which sounds over-the-top-salesy to me - but if it means more people can get hold of a wealth of powerful photo tips, so be it!)
In essence it's a complete photography guide written with digital SLR owners in mind, but useful for all photographers.
But it's not just the eBook I can offer to you. I've also added "12 Surefire Ways To Better Photos" - my collection of some of the best submissions to the site.
Plus there's a "Software Editing Guide" ready for download too - with details on how to get your hands on free image editing software that's more than a match for Photoshop.
And if that wasn't enough I've added Dan Fieldman's triple guide to making money with your camera.
This complete package of 6 eBooks has been on sale for a few weeks here at $19.
But wait!
As a subscriber to my newsletter I've arranged a special offer - the complete package for just $9!
To access the offer page go here, and enter the following password:
I'll keep the offer webpage up for four weeks to give you a chance to have a good look.
And apologies again for being late out this month. Buy the guide though, and I hope you'll agree that it was worth the wait!
See you next month,