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"Trick Photography - Easy Techniques"
November 04, 2012

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to November's newsletter.

Apologies for being away last month - I've been spending far too much time updating my Facebook page!

And when I've not been adding updates there, I've been re-kindling my passion for "trick photography". Have a look at the photo below and you'll get an idea of what I've been doing.

trick photography - multiple photo idea

As you've probably noticed the photo is a trick that, with the aid of my ever helpful son, some free software, and a little know-how, anyone can achieve.

A lot of trick photography involves looking at the world in a slightly different way and imagining what it could be, rather than what it actually is.

For example, the above photo was taken in our garden. All I did was imagine my son in various places in the garden at the same time.

A little planning ("imagine you're standing in the play house, now look at yourself there ... pretend you're on the top of the slide, look up at yourself...") is all it takes, and of course, a willing volunteer!

By the way, if it's a volunteer you're after, children often make a great choice. They don't tend to keep asking "why?" in the way adults do!

If you're interested in taking a photo like the one above (and it really is easy, I promise) here's my tutorial on how to take a multiplicity trick photo.

More tips next month, until then, happy snapping, and if you haven't already, why not join me on Facebook?

Darrell. on Facebook

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